About Us
My name is Jim Di Leva, I am the creator and owner of Buy A Birdhouse. Prior to my Birdhouse business. I was the owner of a Nail Salon. Today, my wife Noeleen and I run our family business together. Noeleen handles all communication and inquiries. Noeleen and I both work together building and assembling our birdhouses and bird feeders.
I made my first birdhouse and had it on display in my Nail Salon. One of my clients asked me to make her a themed birdhouse as a gift. Word spread and requests started coming in. I slowly started to make the transition to expand my Birdhouse business out of my Nail Salon.
All our Birdhouses and Bird Feeders are custom-built. They are wrapped with a vinyl laminated product. They can also be personalized with any image or text you wish.
Whether you decide to display your birdhouse indoors as a decorative piece or display it in your garden for the birds to nest in. All of our products are weatherproof and stand up to the elements. They will be loved by all! Most importantly the Birds!
2162 Durham Regional Rd 3, Enniskillen, Ont L0B1J0
905 409-3018 buyabirdhouse@gmail.com